FineLines Publishers was registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission in 2004 with Reg Number BN 030113, however became officially active on the 5th of August 2014.
We believe everyone has the right to tell and sell their story. FineLines Publishers is poised to make it easier and faster to write, package, publish, distribute and sell your story in the form of print/eBook, website, blog, course, press release or on social media platforms.
We believe the world will heal herself with her stories. There is a continuous disinterest in reading and a strong disconnect between succeeding businesses and the stories that made them great, FineLines hope to bridge this widening gap.
It shouldn’t take ages to write (tell and sell) your story. We are your digital edge in removing all the hurdles inherent in traditional book publishing. Our solution makes it easy for authors earn from their stories. We help writers, teachers, influencers, pastors, politicians, public figures, entrepreneurs and even everyday Joe reach their dreams of becoming earning authors every day. The next success to be published could be yours.
The beautiful part is, you don’t need to have experience in writing, your desire to tell and sell your story is enough. We help you write your book while you take all the credit. From writing and proofreading to publishing and selling, we got you covered.